– WhO iS ArnHe 

   A SimPLe MaN WhO WaNts A SiMpLe LiFe, whO KnOw His

AbILity and LiMiTatIonS, ReSpOnsIbLe, iDeAListiC, GeNuInE,

DeTerMinEd, hUmBLe, AnD KnOws WhAt LiFe
Is ...

   A SiMpLe Man NeeDs SimPLe FrIends, I dOnt WanT LoT oF

FrIenDs, TwO or ThReE MaKeS mE Fine. It's noT ThE cOunt

That mAtTers but The WaY YoU VaLue FrIeNdsHiP, BeIng

ThErE WhEn YoU NeEd –
GoOd noR Bad TiMeS ...

   A SiMpLe MaN WhO NeEds SiMpLe LoVe And AffEcTiOn :) ...  

     CoMpUTeR gRapHiCs AsSoCiaTe HeRe, GrAduAtEd In CoLleGe last

YeAr 2007, fRom ICC-MLA: An exPerIEnCeD CoMpUtEr ScHoOL iN

mAniLa. 20 YeArS Old, I’am
fasCinAteD CrEaTiNg MiNi TrIbUtE MoVies w/

MoVie MakEr  and dUing ArTwOrKs UsINg AdObe PhOtOsHop, I Do aLso NeT

SuRfiNg on my  LeiSure Tym mostly WheN I’m in HiGhSChOoL w/ my FrIenDs,

NOW its LiMiTed x.X

– And SiNce LaSt YeAr I Use To PlAy OL GamEs SuCh As RAN Online,

LiNeaGe, but RFOnline coMes mOrE cLOse 2 me, that’s d TyM WhEn I

WoRkEd In a CoMpUter
Shop,“That’s WHY I geT AdDicTed" x.X

   LiKEs ...
friendship       freedom        stimulation       Challenges        Adventure
               surprises       companionship        Understanding       emotional safety

   HatEs ...         
                  jealou    possessiveness     control     narrow-mindednes
      being ridiculed     fighting/violence     inequality      being taken for granted   

FrIenDs !

                   TrIo$ – BrIaN / RoMeR / NhY


trios @ TIP – DarIuS / RuSsEL / NhY

          TrIOs @ ICC – SherLo / MarK-ViR / NhY


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